Young people prefer to play video games rather than watch movies

With this generation that constantly keeps evolving, youngsters have quite a few preferences when it comes to their hobbies. Between video games and movies, which one do you think wins? 

According to a recent study conducted in the United States, the Generation Z are significantly more drawn to gaming on consoles than indulging in feature films. The Gaming report by YPulse reveals that an astounding 95% of the surveyed individuals engage in playing video games, with 78% of them doing so on a weekly basis or even more frequently. 

As a result, gaming has emerged as an immensely popular activity among the youth, often surpassing the time spent on watching movies. The research, based on a sample of approximately 1,500 Americans aged 13 to 39, who were surveyed in November 2022, indicates that respondents spend an average of seven hours per week playing games on consoles, while devoting only six hours to watching movies. Despite the allure of motion pictures, it is evident that TV retains its position in the heart of the youngsters, as they dedicate an average of eight hours per week to watching shows and series. 

While television continues to captivate the younger audience, this pastime is frequently accompanied by other activities like playing online games or browsing content platforms such as Netflix and TikTok. 

Photo Credits : Photography eldar nurkovic / Shutterstock© 

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